Vacation, Rest

According to the book Work to Live,if you live in the following nations, a certain num­ber of vacation days are mandated by law: Spain: 30 France: 30 Ireland: 28 Japan: 25 Belgium: 24 Norway: 21 United Kingdom: 20 Germany: 18 Canada: 10 United States: 0

Leaders and Followers

It was a cool fall Sunday morning in 1865. A black man, slight of build, entered a fashionable Virginia church in downtown Richmond. The ushers made themselves busy with narthex projects and acted as though they did not notice him...


According an old fable, attributed to Aesop, a dog was carrying a bone as he crossed a bridge. He looked into the water and saw his own reflection...

Preaching and the House Church Movement

House Church. For pastors, the mere term once conjured up images of angry men and women gathered around a kitchen table, condemning the mis­takes and failures of the traditional church they had left for one reason or another...

Silence in an iPod World

On September 22, Marcel Marceau, the famous mime, died at the age of 84. Marceau was an expressive artist who could make us believe he was climbing stairs when there were none, and press his hands against a pane of glass that wasn't there, and lean into a wind that wasn't blowing.

Preaching Truth in a Whatever World

How do you effectively preach biblical truth in an age that rejects the very idea of truth? In this dynamic seminar, you'll learn about ways to build and present powerful biblical sermons that reach 21st century people. You'll learn about strategies used by pastors who are making a significant impact on their communities.

Growing a Biblical Sermon

Great sermons aren't built - they're grown! In this conference, you'll learn about the basic steps in "growing" sermons that are biblically-rooted and will produce fruit in the lives of your people.