Caring, Salvation

Maurice Stokes was voted into the basket­ball Hall of Fame in 2004, 30 years after his death. Stokes' promising career was cut short when he was paralyzed during the final game of the 1958 season...

Hearing a Film, Seeing a Sermon

More and more, pastors are using scenes from popu­lar movies as ser­mon illustrations. But pastor Timothy Cargal believes that we need to move a step further by learning to inter­pret movies, much as we would exegete a biblical text, allowing us to use film as a powerful tool to engage contemporary lis­teners and connect them to biblical truth.


An older lady, who had no affinity for con­temporary worship, was complaining about a particular song used in the worship service at her church...

Growing a Biblical Sermon

Great sermons aren't built - they're grown! In this conference, you'll learn about the basic steps in "growing" sermons that are biblically-rooted and will produce fruit in the lives of your people.

Growing a Biblical Sermon

Great sermons aren't built - they're grown! In this conference, you'll learn about the basic steps in "growing" sermons that are biblically-rooted and will produce fruit in the lives of your people.

Growing a Biblical Sermon

Great sermons aren't built - they're grown! In this conference, you'll learn about the basic steps in "growing" sermons that are biblically-rooted and will produce fruit in the lives of your people.

Preaching Truth in a Whatever World

How do you effectively preach biblical truth in an age that rejects the very idea of truth? In this dynamic seminar, you'll learn about ways to build and present powerful biblical sermons that reach 21st century people. You'll learn about strategies used by pastors who are making a significant impact on their communities.