One Picture Is Worth . . .

Although preaching has always been an inherently verbal medium, one of the major trends of 21st century preaching is a new emphasis on the visual. As churches seek to communicate with new generations that are increasingly visually-oriented (and less and less literary), many have discovered...

Teaching Truth in a Tainted Culture

Last night Barry Bonds broke one of the most prestigious records in sports by hitting home run No. 756. But some believe his accomplishment was tainted through his alleged use of steroids. This controversy brings to light a greater conversation about the current state of sports in our culture.

The Words Of Gardner Taylor, Volumes 1-6

When the final page is written on the history of preaching in the 20th century, one of the preeminent names of that era will be Gardner C. Taylor. Often called the "Dean of Black Preachers" in the United States, Taylor is a preacher whose craftsmanship and commitment have made a...

Preaching: An Affair of the Heart

It's both a tragedy and a challenge! You and I are called to preach in an era in which entertainment replaces biblical worship in many settings. Inherent within a time like this is an opportunity to refocus. Are we preaching for ourselves? Are we preaching for our audience? Or are we preaching for Jesus?

ECFA Creates New “Church Division”

The Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA), an oversight and accreditation organization with more than 2,000 Christian nonprofit organization members that represent more than $16 billion in revenue, has created a new division for churches.

Taking No Chances

Some people in Japan find value in many religions and do not adhere strictly to one. So people will wear a cross as jewelry, have a Shinto wedding and a Buddhist funeral. It appears that they are taking no chances: that they are "covering their bets" so to speak.

Value of Suffering

Joni Eareckson Tada, the quadriplegic who has ministered to so many of us, notes, "When life is rosy, we may slide by without knowing about Jesus, with imitating him and quoting him and speaking of him. But only in suffering will we know Jesus.

Stealing, Children

"Peter!" his mother scolded, "There were two cookies in the pantry this morning but now there's only one! Do you have an explanation?" Peter replied, "It must have been too dark and I didn't see the other one."

Weakness, Trial

Morris F. Udall, former Secretary of the Interior, lost an eye in an accident when he was six years old. Children would tease him cruelly about the eye. In self-defense he started poking fun at himself. He learned early on to compensate for that lost eye by working harder than other kids.