
In September, 1997 newspapers in Wellington, New Zealand carried the tragic story of a young girl who saw a puppy that had been struck by a car. She ran to aid the injured animal and was herself struck by a car and killed. How sad that a person should lose her life in trying to save a dumb animal.

Transformation, Conversion

Oscar Cervantes is a dramatic example of the Spirit's power to transform lives. As a child, Oscar began to get into trouble. Then as he got older, he was jailed 17 times for brutal crimes. Prison psychiatrists said he was beyond help. But they were wrong! During a brief interval of freedom,


The Toyota television commercial is interesting. It shows someone in a sport utility vehicle heading for the beach or the slopes, driving through the city on a Tuesday. An onlooker is amazed. It is Tuesday. He must go to work. Then the last line appears on the screen, "Make Your Own Rules."


In September 1997, newspapers in Wellington, New Zealand reported the story of rescue workers who worked heroically to save lives after a landslide. Officials honored the rescue workers at a luncheon. All of them got sick from food poisoning!

Things To Ponder About In Our World

If you throw a cat out a car window, does it become kitty litter? If corn oil comes from corn where does baby oil come from? Why do they put Braille on the number pads of drive-through bank machines? If it's tourist season, can we shoot them?

Relationship, Intimacy With God

"One of the best ways of describing our relationship with God is to think in terms of the human relationship of courtship and marriage. Those of us who are married can remember when we fell in love with that person to whom we are now married. We remember how focused our thoughts were on that other person.


Researchers at Duke University Medical Center studied 1700 older Americans and discovered that those who regularly attended religious services had stronger immune responses that those who did not.


James Emery White has a new book being released next month, called Serious Times: Making Your Life Matter in an Urgent Day (InterVarsity). I particularly enjoyed one of the illustrations he shared: "I once ran across an old book that has become a prized part of my library.