
A mangy looking guy goes into a restaurant and orders food. The waiter says, "No way. I don't think you can pay for it." The guy says, "You're right. I don't have any money, but if I show you something you haven't seen before, will you give me the food?" "Deal!" replies the waiter.

A Sermon Written in an Attic

How would you like it if someone lived six weeks in the attic of your church building and overheard everything said during those weeks? What influence would it have on this individual-for good or evil-to hear the interactions in your church?

Preaching With Passion

It is unfortunate that so few books of sermons are published today, so we can celebrate a volume such as Preaching With Passion (Broadman & Holman), edited by James T. Draper, Jr. The book is a collection of sermons from well-known ...

10 Mistakes in Church Construction Projects

Walking into my first building committee meeting as a young pastor I had two simultaneous feelings: feeling proud that the church was moving forward and feeling scared that I was traveling in uncharted waters. I was thrilled that we were moving forward with a grand building project, but I had no training or background in construction.