
In his weblog from April 21, 2004, R. Albert Mohler points out, "As Romans 1 makes absolutely clear, homosexuality is fundamentally an act of unbelief. As Paul writes, the wrath of God is revealed against all those "who suppress the truth in unrighteousness." God the Creator has implanted in all hu

Knowledge, Deception

The regional manager at a retail chain forgets his first laptop on a store counter. When he returns, it's gone, so he reports it stolen. That night, he got a phone call from a person saying he was a police officer and they caught a man with his laptop, says an insider pilot fish. The offic


In Morocco's famed resort city of Marrakech it is the law that no building can be built taller than the minarets that rise above the city's mosques. No hotel, no office building, nothing can stand taller than the symbol of Islam. It is interesting to suggest the important of one's religio


James Oglethorpe founded the city of Savannah, Georgia. He had already decided how to lay out the city before he even knew exactly where he would build it. He took a Roman encampment as his plan - a grid. All the streets were to meet at right angles with squares at regular intervals. Ther


Soren Kierkegaard, the great Danish theologian of another century tells a story of a prince who wanted to find a maiden suitable to be his queen. One day while running an errand in the local village for his father he passed through a poor section. As he glanced out the windows of the carr


President Calvin Coolidge invited some people from his hometown to dinner at the White House. When the time came for serving coffee, the president poured his coffee into a saucer. As soon as the home folk saw it, they did the same. Next, the president poured some milk and added a little s


The Greeks called the heart the "cardia"; the volitional center where life makes up its mind. The heart is the pilot of the airplane, the quarterback of the huddle, the engineer of the locomotive. The heart calls the plays; the heart pilots the ship. If my heart is filled (controlled and

Habits, Baggage

During World War II an Air Force Colonel was piloting a B-29 Bomber. During an attack on Tokyo his plane lost two engines. Home base was over 1000 miles away. The colonel said to his crew, "I have never believed in ditching a ship as long as it's flying. Let's try to make it home." They threw out e

Guilt By Association

A drunk man who smelled like beer sat down on a subway seat next to a priest. The man's tie was stained, his face was plastered with red lipstick, and a half empty bottle of gin was sticking out of his torn coat pocket. He opened his newspaper and began reading. After a few minutes the ma