New Word Invitational Sam S. Rainer III A few minor changes, and you can create your own vocabulary. READ MORE
Why Preach Through Books Sam S. Rainer III Preaching through an entire book of the Bible provides continuity of context for your listeners. READ MORE
Where’s Your Shadow? Sam S. Rainer III What type of shadow are you casting on and for those who are in your circle of influence? READ MORE
And Finally…On Shaving Sam S. Rainer III Who would've thought pop culture would have had an impact on razor blades? READ MORE
More Questions to Ponder Sam S. Rainer III When language defies us, it leaves us pondering... READ MORE
The Dance Between God and Humanity: Reading the Bible Today as the People of God Sam S. Rainer III Old Testament scholar Bruce Waltke produced a number of articles, more than 30 of which have been gathered in one volume. READ MORE
Illustration: Humility and Grace Sam S. Rainer III Humility and grace stand and fall together. READ MORE
Competing in the Worldview Marketplace Sam S. Rainer III What's your worldview? Is it a consumeristic or Christian worldview? it God-centric? READ MORE
Super Bowl and Preaching Sam S. Rainer III Should we call off church the evening of Super Bowl Sunday? READ MORE