Killing Jesus: The Unknown Conspiracy Behind the World’s Most Famouse Execution Sam S. Rainer III Jesus' death involves intricate detail, cover-ups, politics and the conspiring of individuals who only thought they were hiding a murder. READ MORE
What Every Christian Ought to Know: Solid Grounding for a Growing Faith Sam S. Rainer III As Christians, of what should be be certain in terms of apologetics and growing our faith? READ MORE
Grace: More than We Deserve, Greater than We Imagine Sam S. Rainer III Grace can be a difficult concept for Christians to understand, largely because we've interpreted it to be something that it's not. READ MORE
Illustration: Happiness Sam S. Rainer III Are men and women happy about what they choose to do in the course of a day? READ MORE
Spiritual Deception in Ministry Sam S. Rainer III Pastors are human just as much as their congregations, yet we put them on pedestals and expect them not to fall when ministry often sets them up to fall the hardest. READ MORE
Illustration: Making an Exception Sam S. Rainer III Rules were made to be broken, especially if it means saving face. READ MORE
Illustration: Cheating, Hypocrisy Sam S. Rainer III When trying to get the better of each other, who's to say what playing fair really is? READ MORE
Illustration: Self-Esteem, Therapeutic Culture Sam S. Rainer III There is a distinct and spiritual difference in happiness and joy, as well as how each is pursued. READ MORE
The Spirit and Preaching Sam S. Rainer III God sent His Holy Spirit to indwell believers, but preachers should take special heed to the direction of the Holy Spirit. READ MORE