Preaching Through the Bible in One Year John Duncan Comprised of 66 books, the Bible might be a daunting task to preach through in one year were it not for a plan to divide into preachable portions. READ MORE
The Oxford History of Christian Worship Shaun Helton Christianity bears a long, rich history, taking many of its components from various traditions and cultural aspects, such as architecture. READ MORE
Illustration: Confusion, Signs Shaun Helton Often those signs and indicators intended for adults leave children confused and exasperated. READ MORE
Illustration: Prejudice, Bigotry Shaun Helton Learning to stand up for one's self in the face of opposition and cruelty might be daunting, but it is an admirable trait to possess. READ MORE
Illustration: Vision, Failure Shaun Helton We never should give up on our dreams despite the condescending remarks of others; listen instead to encouragement and move forward. READ MORE
Is There Anticipation for Worship at Your Church? Shaun Helton What can churches learn from baseball about being enthusiastic about worshiping the King? READ MORE
Chiseled by the Master’s Hand Shaun Helton We're all developed by adding to and taking away, sometimes painfully so, but always worth the finished result. READ MORE
Building Below the Waterline Shaun Helton Pastors deal with many specific issues related only to their roles as shepherds, preachers, counselors, etc. and need insight specific to their profession. READ MORE
God Redeeming His Bride: A Handbook for Church Discipline Shaun Helton God is in the business of redeeming His bride to Himself through discipleship. READ MORE
Illustration: Danger, Distance Shaun Helton Children have an amazing sense of humor when they still have not developed their sense of the abstract. READ MORE