The Conviction to Lead: 25 Principles for Leadership That Matters
Leadership is a skill unto itself, but it requires certain aspects of character to be strong.
Illustration: Filters
A professor who's intelligent, as well as is a quick wit, keeps students engaged.
Illustration: Foundation, Culture
A firm foundation must be in place regardless of whether you're building a physical structure or working on your spiritual development.
Preach Like a Pharisee
In a reverse psychology kind of way, here's how to preach well rather than as a hypocrite.
Feeding and Leading the Flock
God has a special place in His heart for those who shepherd others and holds the shepherd in high esteem.
Up to 1,500 Pastors a Month Need to Read this Column! (You may be one of them!)
Up to 1,500 Pastors a Month Need to Read this Column! (You may be one of them!)
Preaching Out of Suffering: An Interview with Tullian Tchividjian
Tullian Tchividjian is senior pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale and author of a new book called Glorious Ruin, published by David C. Cook. He recently visited with Preaching Executive Editor Michael Duduit.
Deep & Wide: Creating Churches Unchurched People Love to Attend
Church has become one of those places that isn't the norm to attend. What can be done to make our churches places where unchurched actually want to be?