A news item crossed my desk recently about a long-time friend who had spoken at a seminary and counseled these young and future pastors never to carry notes into the pulpit. "Immerse yourself in the message," h... Continue Reading...
The ultimate challenge of preaching is to take the materials that have been gathered in the exegetical process and transform them into a sermon designed to offer some spiritual nurture for a specific congregati... Continue Reading...
The year just past produced a large number of books on preaching, including many quite useful contributions in addition to our book of the year, preaching to a Postmodern World by Graham Johnston. (Many of the ... Continue Reading...
Futurists have predicted the demise of the book and the coming dominance of electronic media. This trend may ho d true for much of the culture, but preachers are likely to guard their libraries with zeal and ho... Continue Reading...
You can argue that there is nothing more important in preaching than application. Any sermon without application isn't. Sermons without application just make noise.Ask the greats. C. H. Spurgeon claimed, "Where... Continue Reading...
Who do you see as the Christ-figure in "The Lord of the Rings?" Check out what Jim Ware, co-author of "<a href=http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/product/?item_no=355715&event=SRC&item_code=&p=1007740 target=lotr>Finding God in the Lord of the Rings</a>" had to say in our Chat.
Did you ever wonder what it would be like to chat in a room with over 100 people in it? Join us and see how crazy it can be as we attempt to break the record of 106 people in the VWBug room. We'll also be trying to break our chat train record of 85 people, as well as playing Bible Trivia and BibleBot Mania, and Word Scramble.
Join us for our Bi-annual Chat Blast. There will be prizes!
<b>Thursday, Dec. 27 9-10:30 p.m. ET in the Playroom.</b>