Illustration: Millennials and the Church
The apparent apostasy of youth really is an abdication of parental influence.
Dealing with Critics
There are practical, useful, biblical ways for handling those who criticize you and your efforts.
Illustration: Giving, Honesty
Be sure your sins will find you out...and the pastor may be the first to know and find you.
Back Page Pulpit: Never Tell a Preacher
Top 10 List of Things Preachers Never Want to Hear...
Leading Today: Holiness in Casual Clothes
Holiness doesn't need to be dressed up to stand out.
Christ-Centered Sermons: Models of Redemptive Preaching
Author Bryan Chapell offers a new resource in Christ-centric pulpiteering.
Illustration: Staying Alert
Professors have learned how to handle students through their experience in the classroom.
Illustration: Holiness, Discipleship
Why do people fall away from the faith after initially accepting Christ?