Christmas as Tragedy

Second in a series on the "moods of Christmas," this message looks at the roots of tragedy in Christmas joy. Behind those jolly faces on our holiday cookies lies the outcome of a cosmic battle. What the world does not understand is something we in the church do understand: that Christmas is not a temporary distraction from our problems. Christmas is our triumphant celebration of God's victory over all that could ever hurt or harm or intimidate or destroy us, in this world or the next.

Christmas as Comedy

Does God have a sense of humor? Well, have you read the Christmas story? This sermon, part three in the series, "The Moods of Christmas," finds ample comedy in the Christmas story. As the preacher notes, " What sounded like a terrible accident turned out to be the greatest story ever told!"

Christmas as Mystery

Part four in the series, "The Moods of Christmas," this sermon examines the mystery of Christmas, the incarnation. As Charles Wesley wrote: "Our God contracted to a span, incomprehensibly made man . . . " Incomprehensible, yes, but also available to each of us.

Christmas as Fairy Tale

At Christmas the God who is up there came to join us down here. He played on our field, he perspired under our sun, and he even learned how it feels to strike out. Now if that sounds like a fairy tale, that's because it is one. This sermon on Christmas as Fairytale is part of the series...

The Offering

The Offering (February, 2003 POL) Topic: Stewardship Author: Victor D. Pentz, Pastor, Peachtree Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA Title: The Offering Text: 1 Corinthians 16:1-4 I got a chuckle from a cartoon I saw a while back. It shows hundreds of people streaming out the doors of a large church

The Lad’s Loaves in the Lord’s Hands

This sermon on faith finds inspiration in the powerful faith demonstrated sometimes by young Christians. In the feeding of the 5000, the adults present failed to see with eyes of faith. It was a young boy who placed his resources in Jesus' hands. The sermon asks: does God have your life? Have you placed your life in his hands? Until you do, you'll never know the difference you can make.