Preaching includes three categories of editorial content: feature articles, sermon manuscripts and homiletical resources. Virtually all material is written by active/retired pastors and college or seminary faculty. As a professional journal for ministers, editorial content is written by and for vocational ministers; articles by non-ministers typically are not accepted for publication. Rights to publish in publication also include right to reprint on our site.
Click here to see specific needs.
Style Issues:
1. We prefer that submissions be sent via email attachment as a Word document; WordPerfect format is an acceptable substitute.
2. Our practice is to capitalize pronouns for deity (He, Him, His, Himself).
3. Once an assignment is made or an article is accepted for publication, we first need you to complete and return a W9 to Managing Editor, Preaching, 402 BNA Dr., Ste. 400, Nashville, TN 37217-2509. We then will send an author agreement for your signature. At the time you return a signed copy of the author agreement, please send a high-res photograph (head and shoulders; color preferred) of the writer; digital photo files are fine. Queries may be submitted to
Feature Articles
Articles should offer practical, helpful guidance to pastors on various topics relating to preaching and worship leadership. Examples: “Steps to Stronger Illustrations,” “Expository Preaching from the Psalms,” “Developing Christian Leaders Through Preaching.” The focus of the magazine is on preaching; more general, ministry-related topics will not be accepted for print publication. A “how-to” perspective is generally appropriate; practical insight on the topic is necessary.
Features normally run 2,000 to 2,500 words (but may run longer if the subject and treatment warrant). Writers will receive an honorarium of $50 upon publication. Any feature article should be preceded by a proposal which describes the topic, suggests the approach and perhaps includes a brief outline accompanied by basic biographical information regarding the author. If an article is requested by the editor, it should be submitted as an email attachment per the instructions above.
Sermon manuscripts should offer worthy models of effective preaching. Each should be approximately 1,500 to 2,000 words and be submitted as an email attachment (Word format preferred; WP accepted). Be sure your email message identifies you and the sermon; unidentified attachments will not be opened. A query is not required for sermons, but no more than one sermon manuscript should be submitted at one time. An honorarium of $35 will be paid upon publication. All sermons should reflect the interdenominational, evangelical accent of the publication.
Homiletical Resources
1. Sermon Briefs. These are abridged sermons (about 600 words), suggesting a possible sermonic treatment of the text. Texts are drawn from the New Common Lectionary, and sermon briefs are by assignment. Interested writers may submit one or two samples of their writing and request an assignment for a future issue. Writers are paid $30 per sermon brief upon assignment.
2. Past Masters. These are biographical treatments of well-known preachers of the past. Manuscripts must include significant focus on the person’s preaching ministry. Because we seek not to repeat the same character, queries are recommended before manuscript submission. Writers are paid $50 upon publication.
Email queries or submissions to or Managing Editor, Preaching, 402 BNA Dr., Ste. 400, Nashville, TN 37217-2509.
Specifications and honorariums subject to change. Sample copies available for $8.00 per issue. Revised Aug. 3, 2012.