~ Astronaut: "Nearer My God, To Thee"
~ Baker: "I Need Thee Every Hour"
~ Barber: "A Parting Hymn We Sing"
~ Baseball Batter: "Seek Thee First"
~ Builder: "How Firm a Foundation" and "The Church's One Foundation"
~ Canoeist: "Flow, River, Flow"
~ Carpenter: "The Nail Scarred Hand
~ Children's Librarian: "We've a Story to Tell"
~ Chiropractor: "Awake My Soul, Stretch Every Nerve"
~ Civil Engineer: "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross"
~ Dentist: "Crown Him with Many Crowns"
~ Electrician: "O Joyful Light" and "Send the Light"
~ Fisherman: "Shall We Gather at the River?"
~ Golfer: "There Is a Green Hill Far Away"
~ Gossiper: "Pass It On," "It Is No Secret," and "Oh, For a Thousand Tongues"
~ Historian: "Tell Me the Old, Old Story"
~ IRS: "All to Thee (I Owe)" and "We Give Thee but Thine Own"
~ Jogger: "The Path of Life"
~ Lifeguard: "Come to the Water"
~ Long-Distance Trucker: "On the Highways and Byways of Life"
~ Mathematician: "10,000 Times, 10,000 Times"
~ Medical Technician: "Revive Us Again"
~ Mountain Climber: "The Rock That Is Higher than I"
~ Newlywed: "I Need Thee Every Hour"
~ Obstetrician: "He Is Able to Deliver Thee"
~ Optometrist: "Open Mine Eyes that I Might See" and "When I Can Read My Title Clear"
~ Paratrooper: "Now on Land And Sea Descending"
~ Philosopher: "I Am Thinking Today"
~ Politician: "Standing on the Promises"
~ Real Estate Agent: "I've Got a Mansion"
~ Sailboater: "Deep River"
~ Sceptic: "Almost Persuaded"
~ Shopper: "Sweet By And By"
~ Speech Therapist: "He Never Said a Mumbling Word"
~ Steeple Builder: "Lift High the Cross"
~ Stonecutter: "Rock of Ages"
~ Switchboard Operator: "There's a Call Comes Ringing"
~ Tailor: "Holy, Holy, Holy"
~ Voice Teacher: "Sing Them over Again to Me"
~ Watchmaker: "Take Time to Be Holy"
~ Watchman: "Silent Night"
~ Weatherman: "There Shall Be Showers of Blessings"