Mamie Adams always
went to a specific branch post office in her town because the postal employees
were friendly. On a busy afternoon, just a few days before Christmas, she stopped
by to purchase a few stamps. While waiting in the long line, a man pointed out
that there was no need to wait, a stamp machine was in the lobby. “I know,”
said Mamie, “but the machine won’t ask me about my arthritis.”

The art of kindness has not been lost, but sometimes it gets tucked away, especially
during the holidays. There are so many errands to run, goodies to bake, gifts
to wrap – that we forget the spirit of Christmas, sharing the good news of Jesus’
birth with others by showing our love and generosity. When you take the time
to encourage someone, it might be the small act that changes his or her entire
life! Go the extra mile for someone in need – become involved in your community.
The art of kindness is in you.

 – Turning Point Daily Devotional, 12-18-03

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