The age of the computer brings much ease and expertise to the preparation of the worship folders/bulletins. Some churches which use the same basic format each week can simply call up the form on the computer screen, make a few necessary changes, and presto, it’s done. But it can be tricky.

One church used the same format for funeral services. When a person dies and a funeral service is prepared, the secretary simply uses the word-search-and-replace process and changes the name of the deceased from the previous service to the name of the deceased who has just passed away. Very simple.

So when Edna died, the pastor instructed the secretary to prepare the service for her by following the above-mentioned process. The last person who died was Mary. So the secretary instructed the computer to change all “Marys” to Ednas.” And so it was.

Image the surprise of the attendees when they recited the Apostles Creed and read: “He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Edna . . .”

(from Pastor Tim’s CleanLaugh List)

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