Dan Reiland recently wrote, “I remember giving some of the guys a hard time after a day of fishing. They spent ten hours and about $100 for the day. The results? They had caught only three small fish that were barely bigger than a bait-sized snack. I told them that I could go to the grocery store and get twice as much for about $25.00 in only 20 minutes.

“The difference is that while I may have delivered quick results, they were developing their skills as fishermen and I was not. I may have outdone them that day, but over the long haul, they would produce results far greater than mine.

“If you want to become a fisher of men (people) you must go fishing! Ultimately it’s not about reading a book or listening to a sermon. It’s about being filled with the Holy Spirit, being obedient (Matthew 28:18-20), and getting in the game.
There are a few characteristics that are common among those who fish consistently and see results. First, they have compassion (Matthew 9:35-36) for those who don’t know God. Second, they possess a conviction about the truth of God. (Acts 2:38-41) They have a boldness that comes from this conviction. And thirdly, they maintain a connection with God. They understand what we have been talking about. They understand that He is the real source of power that makes life change possible.”

(Used by permission from Dr. Dan Reiland’s free monthly e-newsletter ‘The Pastor’s Coach’ (Jan. 2003) available at www.INJOY.com.)


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