It is entertaining television. We must reckon with the powerful fact and force of television. It is a comparatively recent force. But it is a fact and a force that is here to stay. But with us as God’s people it is a force to be controlled and curbed and combated and in many cases censored. We must remember and reckon with the fact that TV has brought all the lust and corruption and the pornography of the modern theater right into our living rooms. And many of God’s people are only handling this invasion by the theater with kid gloves instead of an axe. If we do not think this is serious listen to the words of warning from Neil Postman of New York University (U.S. News and World Report). He says:

What television does is to bring the whole culture out of the closet, because programs need a constant supply of novel information. In its quest for new and sensational ventures to hold its audience, TV must tap every existing taboo in the culture: Homosexuality, incest, divorce, promiscuity, corruption, adultery, and terrible displays of violence and sadism.”

-Prairie Overcomer

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