In his "Turning Point Daily Devotional" for Sept. 3, 2015, David Jeremiah writes: “Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport is the world’s busiest airport measured by aircraft movements (landings and takeoffs of planes). In 2014, movements averaged 2,416 per day (101 per hour or 1.7 per minute). It’s no wonder the job of flight controllers—those who manage the airplane traffic—is so stressful. Imagine the chaos and carnage that would result if there were no one to direct that traffic.
“Now imagine the world as an airport and every individual—all 7.2 billion of us—as an airplane, coming and going as we please, and God as the single flight controller keeping track of our movements for all of human history. Further, not just our movements but those of the animal kingdom, as well—untold billions more landings and takeoffs (Matt. 10:29). While the chaos in the world may suggest God has lost control, He hasn’t. God is working “all things according to the counsel of His will.”
“If God knows when sparrows fall, He knows every detail of your life, too (Ps. 139:16).”
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