It’s career day at school and the teacher instructs his students each to stand up, state their parents occupation, spell it and then tell what their parent would do if they were here today.
Little Rodney stands up and says, “My father is an accountant, A-C-C-O-U-N-T-A-N-T, and if he were here today, he would help you balance your checkbook.”
“Good, Rodney,” says the teacher; “How about you, Johnny?'”
Johnny stands up and says, “My father is an electrician, E-L-E-K-T, no, no, E-L-E-C-K-T no…L-E-C-K- no…
The teacher interrupts, “Never mind, Johnny; sit down. How about you, Vinnie?”
Vinnie stands up and says, “My dad’s a bookie, that’s B-O-O-K-I-E; and if he were here today, he’d give you 10-to-one odds there’s no way Johnny’s ever gonna spell electrician!” (from Mikey’s Funnies)
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