In the Easter 2006 edition of Key Life magazine, Steve Brown shares the story of one of his students who deeply loved his father, a pastor. “My student told me why. When he was in third grade or so, his father became quite angry with him. His father didn’t strike him, but held him and yelled at him. As a result, he thought his father hated him.

“Later that same day, the school principal came into his class to tell him his father was outside waiting to speak with him. He thought to himself, ‘Did I do something else bad?’ He went downstairs where his father was waiting. To his great surprise and shock, his father got down on his knees in front of his son and asked for forgiveness. His father is a great preacher…because he is a great man. The son expected anger…yet received love.

“That is true with us, too. God isn’t angry at His people. God isn’t a policeman. God is your Father. That is the promise.”

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In a recent Turning Point devotional, David Jeremiah writes: “A 1970 film, by the same name as the novel on which it was based, Love Story, became famous for its tag line: ‘Love means never having to say you’re sorry.’ That’s just one of many examples of how people have defined and illustrated love through the years. Jesus Christ gave to the world the way to recognize true love in its ultimate manifestation–the greatest form of love possible. That kind of love is manifested by one person being willing to lay down his or her life for a friend (John 15:13). Ultimately, ‘lay down’ means ‘to die for.’ It could mean a less drastic sacrificial act of love, as well. True love is when one person gives of him or herself for a friend.

John 3:16 says that God loved the whole world, but John 15:13 says Jesus loves you personally because, as His follower, you are His friend (John 15:14-17). If ever you feel small in terms of God’s love as part of the entire world, you can erase that feeling by taking Jesus’ words to heart. You are His friend if you are His follower, and He laid down His life for you.

“Love personalized is love individualized.”

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