In his Turning Point Daily Devotional for Feb. 18, 2010, David Jeremiah shares this: “A Netherlands-based electronics firm is creating a bracelet that will change color and flicker from yellow to red when a person’s emotions rise to unhealthy levels. It’s being developed chiefly for stock traders on European exchanges. When trading becomes too intense and the trader’s blood pressure rises, the device will issue a warning to ‘take a time-out, wind down or reconsider their actions,’ said the manufacturer. The results, hopefully, will be beneficial to investors–to say nothing of the stock brokers themselves.
“If everyone on earth were waring such a bracelet right now, how many would be red? Would yours?
“The greatest antidote to stress is worship. Worship is recognizing Gods greatness and glory and, in response, expressing our pleasure and praise. It’s not about us, how we feel or the kind of music we enjoy. It’s about the One who is the same yesterday, today and forever. It’s about who He is and what He has done.
“We don’t need a bracelet on our wrists but simply a heart of worship that adores and praises the greatness of God’s glory.”
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