In his Turning Point Daily Devotional for March 9, David Jeremiah says: “Clayton Christensen is a professor at Harvard Business School and is well-known for articulating his theory of disruptive technology–an unexpected product or service that disrupts an existing market and helps create a new category of customers. Examples of disruptive technologies include desktop publishing, CD-ROMs, DVDs, personal computers, steamships, telephones and automobiles. Disruptive technologies usually are resisted at first and then accepted because of their benefits and efficiencies.
“God allows disruptive moments in our lives that we almost always question or resist because they are painful, unanticipated, misunderstood and often not optional. Yet in hindsight, they always are embraced for the good or blessing which results. In the Old Testament, Job is the classic example of a life being disrupted, while Paul’s thorn in the flesh (
“If God has allowed a disruptive moment in your life, walk through it by faith rather than by sight (
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