During a Christian conference, I worked late on the worship PowerPoint slides. Please note the “D” and “F” keys are next to each other on the keyboard and spell checkers do not catch wrong words used in the correct context. The following morning as we were leading worship, the congregation sang, “Lord, You are more precious than silver. Lord,
You are more costly than…”  and everyone broke into laughter. The slide said, “Lord, You are more costly than GOLF.”

Well, it’s a true statement…at the courses I’ve seen.

(From Tim Cimbura by way of Sermon Fodder and Joke A Day Ministries.)

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Craig Brian Larson reminds us of the time that, “Not long ago, the world watched as three gray whales, icebound off Point Barrow, Alaska, floated battered and bloody, gasping for breath at a hole in the ice. Their only hope: somehow to be transported five miles past the ice pack to open sea. Rescuers began cutting a string of breathing holes about 20 yards apart in the six-inch-thick ice.

“For eight days they coaxed the whales from one hole to the next, mile after mile. Along the way, one of the trio vanished and was presumed dead; but finally, with the help of Russian icebreakers, the whales Putu and Siku swam to freedom.

“In a way, worship is a string of breathing holes the Lord provides His people. Battered and bruised in a world frozen over with greed, selfishness and hatred, we rise for air in church, a place to breathe again, to be loved and encouraged, until that day when the Lord forever shatters the ice cap.”
(Craig Brian Larson, Leadership, Vol. 11, No. 2)

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