Caring, Salvation

Maurice Stokes was voted into the basket­ball Hall of Fame in 2004, 30 years after his death. Stokes' promising career was cut short when he was paralyzed during the final game of the 1958 season...


An older lady, who had no affinity for con­temporary worship, was complaining about a particular song used in the worship service at her church...


n the delightful movie Monsters Inc., an entire society of monsters finds their fuel source in the energy created from children's frightened screams.


Fox News reported on July 31, 2002 that a new drink is gaining wide-spread popularity.

Lord’s Supper

The Trojan War was over, and Ulysses was on his way home about to leave the enchanted island where Calypso lived.

Lord’s Supper

In World War I, in a British section of the Western Front, just a few miles back from the front lines, was a hut named Talbot House. It was a meeting place for men going up to the trenches and men coming back. In the loft above they served Communion--truly an upper room and literally a last supper for many men.


Kathy Ireland is probably best known as one of America's top super models.


Coach Vince Lombardi once observed, "One must not hesitate to innovate and change with the times and the varying formations. The leader who stands still is not progressing, and he will not remain a leader for long."


Happy people live longer. That is the conclusion of Marilyn Elias writing in USA Today.