Dependence on God

Dwight L. Moody told this story: "A minister was one day moving his library upstairs. As he was going up with a load of books, his little boy came in, and was very anxious to help his father.


A recent issue of US News & World Report featured a story entitled "Faith in America: In troubled times, how Americans' views of religion are changing."


So many stories have come out of the terrorist attack of September 11. One of the most poignant, carried by the Associated Press, was the discovery by rescue workers in the rubble of the World Trade Center of a large perfectly shaped cross, twenty feet tall.


The sculptures of Michelangelo thrill art lovers all over the world.


John Wooden, the legendary basketball coach, always kept a cross in his pocket. He kept it there to remind himself that there is something more important in life than basketball!


The largest cross in the world is located on Bald Knob mountain in southern Illinois. It towers 111 feet high and can be seen for miles in every direction.


For the Christian, the cross is both a symbol of horror and hope. Our Lord Jesus died an excruciatingly painful and shameful death on the cross - drinking empty the cup of God's wrath.


A church in Boca Raton Florida has cut a deal to put a 99-foot phone tower inside the cross of their building.


There is a story about a brother in a monastery who was assigned to preach.


In Tony Cochran's Agnes the title character, a precocious grade school girl, is talking to a friend and says, "I think I have discovered the source of all my problems.