Conversion, Name

In a recent sermon, Leith Anderson asked, "Did you see the movie Air Force One starring Harrison Ford? The President's Boeing 747 is hijacked by terrorists. The President is a former soldier who fights back. Eventually there is no crew and the plane is going down. Only the President and one terrorist are left. To rescue the President a zip-line is connected to the 747 in an attempt to move the President along the wire into the smaller plane. Radio contact is lost. Officials are horrified as the radar shows the 747 go down.

Mothers, Parenting

Tony Campolo says that all parents should learn a lesson from Jewish mothers. They are always telling their children how special they are, how much ability they have, and what wonderful futures they will have.


Chuck Swindoll observes, "Several years ago someone interviewed the contemporary artist Marc Chagall for a PBS program. The young, arty interviewer started the session with a question about influences.


Author and lecturer Leo Buscaglia once talked about a contest he was asked to judge. The purpose of the contest was to find the most caring child.

Morality, Strength

When the Statue of Liberty was remodeled, it was discovered that the entire inside support system had to be replaced. The outside copper skin of the statue was okay;

Common Sense

The difference between common sense and stupidity? Common sense has its limits. (Anonymous) -Washington Times online service 8/20/97

Commitment, Sacrifice

Kingman Brewster said, "There is a tremendous satisfaction in losing your own identity in something that is much more important than you are."


Steve Fronk spotted a great bumper sticker shortly before April 15th. It read:


"The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax."