
Archaeologist Bryant Wood, University of Toronto, has reviewed the finding of British Archaeologist Kathleen Kenyon. They agree there is no doubt.

Training Of Children

"Studies have shown that the child who has the lowest self-esteem is the one who isn't permitted to say anything at the dinner table.


"I had been teaching my three-year-old daughter, Caitlin, the Lord's Prayer. For several evenings at bedtime she repeated it after me. One night she said she was ready to solo.


In A.W. Tozer's book Man: The Dwelling Place of God, there is a reference to an Associated Press story about a British nobleman who died at 89 years of age.


Is there a "family-time famine" in your home? The Family Research Council, Focus on the Family's branch office in Washington, D.C., recently released a survey


In his book Defining Moments, Rick Ezell writes, "A church ordered new stained glass windows for its sanctuary. All the windows arrived except for the largest panel at the front of the church. The congregation anxiously waited for this panel's delivery. When the large piece arrived, they

The Problem With Government

Every once in a while something that resembles religion is shared among lawmakers on Capitol Hill without fear of the ACLU shouting for separation of church and state. Take the story of Noah, this time with a modern twist. The beginning is the same: "And the Lord spoke to Noah and said,


The city of Los Angeles stands at the top of the list of America's largest cities, but at the bottom in giving to charitable causes. In fact, among the 50 largest cities, Los Angeles is number 48 in giving to charities. There may be many reasons for this, but lack of resources is not one


The same newspaper that reported in September 1997 Ted Turner's gift of $1 billion to various charities of the United Nations also reported the gift of a Mississippi washerwoman who gave $150,000 for scholarships to a local college. Both were significant. Both are to be praised. But one g