Parental Weakness

Who is responsible for what decisions around the home? A USA Today survey asked 4,500 men and women. The answers: Women are responsible for: Deciding what's for dinner and then preparing it Managing the household budget Raising the children Men an


Not long ago newspapers carried a misleading story. The story was that a machine had beaten a man at the game of chess. That is not really true. A chess champion did play against a computer. That's true. And the computer won. That's true. But it took five computer programmers and a chess


At a flower shop in rural West Virginia, Campbell's Creek, an isolated mining hollow, the owner is a chap named Bill Grayolis, 41. A while back Mr. Grayolis lost weight and whispers started around town that he had AIDS. And then there were some graffiti and there were threats, he was labe

Parental Influence

A study once disclosed that if both Mom and Dad attend church regularly, 72% of their children remain faithful. If only Dad, 55% remain faithful. If only Mom, 15%. If neither attended regularly, only 6% remain faithful. The statistics speak for themselves - the example of parents and adul


In the nineteenth century in Lancashire, England there was a common superstition regarding New Year's Day. If a light haired man, or any female, was the first to enter the house that morning it would bring bad luck all year long. There developed then a custom of dark haired men going form

Parents Duty to Children

"A child's mind is like a bank - whatever you put in, you get back in 10 years, with interest." -Frederick Wertham


In Ziggy, the little fellow is bouncing up and down and saying: "You only go around once…but you can bounce back as many times as you like!" Of course the story of most great men and women is marked by the fact that they bounced back. Some bounced back from physical injuries or limi

Love For Friends

Lucy and Snoopy were talking together in Charles Schultz's familiar comic strip "Peanuts". She shouts "There are times when you really bug me! I must admit, however, there are times when I feel like giving you a hug." In a nonchalant manner Snoopy responded, "That's the way I am, Lucy, h

Old Age

How's this for a great perspective on life when you're 100 years young? Henry Stenhouse, a 100 year old Goldsboro, N.C. eye doctor running for Congress in North Carolina's 3rd District, figures time is on his side. He calls his two opponents in today's Republican primary "capable." But,


No doubt Jean Anoulih was speaking of romantic love in these words: 'Love is, above all, the gift of oneself." But those words are also true of Christian love. No doubt W. Somerset Maugham was speaking of romantic love when he wrote, "The great tragedy of life is not that men perish, but