Old Age

What are the real stages of life? A lot of people can identify with "The Duration of Life" taken from Grimm's fairy tales: God originally determined 30 years as the ideal span of life for all animals, including mankind. The donkey, the dog, and the monkey considered it much too long, how


Dear Abby, I am a widow. After 46 years of marriage, I lost my precious husband, now a further loss of our friends. I wish people would still include me, come see me, even just call me. I have never known such loneliness. If only somebody would call. -Mrs. J.C. Hill  

Obligation of Marriage

The pastor of a big city church ran an ad for a caretaker-housekeeper. The next day, a well-dressed young man appeared at the pastor's door. But before he could say more than, "Hello, I came to see about…," the pastor began questioning him. "Can you sweep, make beds, shovel walks,


Dear Ann Landers: "Please come home early." This was the most unreasonable request ever made by my wife of almost 40 years. She didn't make this request often. It came mostly on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, but it seemed that I always had so many things to do that in spite of he

Now is The Day Of Salvation

Dwight L. Moody, by his own admission, made a mistake on the eighth of October 1871 - a mistake he determined never to repeat. He had been preaching in the city of Chicago. That particular night drew his largest audience yet. His message was "What will you do then with Jesus who is calle

Life and Death

The incredibly wealthy Malcolm Forbes, Sr. once said, "By the time that we've made it, we've had it." What a dismal view of life and death. Far better is the view of that unknown man who said, "Any day above ground is a good one." And best of all the view point of one who said, "Death is

New Birth

All thoroughbred race horses have the same birthday. No matter what day of the year they were born they are considered to have been born on January first. With regard to the new birth, all Christians share the same birthday. While you may or may not remember the day of your new birth, Fri

Poverty & Riches

Poverty in America. A free lesson on how to escape poverty. Economist Charles Murray author of the book Losing Ground, offers a formula on how to escape poverty in America. Here's his prescription: "The requirements for a male, black or white, are to go to free public school and to co


Chester Harding was painting Daniel Boone's portrait in 1820, when Boone was nearly 86 years old. Harding asked Boone if he had ever been lost during his travels. Boone replied, "No, I can't say as ever I was lost, but I was bewildered once for three days." Even Christians can be much like Daniel B

Accepting Realty

A dog chewed the tongue of a new, very expensive running shoe. The owner took the sneakers to a shoe repair shop, placed them on the counter and said, "My dog got hold of this. What do you recommend?" The repairman picked up the shoe, looked it over, placed it back down on the counter, and replied,