
Newspapers recently carried the story of a streetlight that casts a shadow that many say resembles the image of Jesus Christ. The city of East Chicago has decided to turn off the light to discourage the hundreds of curious people who gather each evening to view it. Many see it as a safety...

Aging Joyfully

Recently newspapers carried the story of Ruth Stewart and how she celebrated her 100th birthday. Defying her age, she took a ride on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. News accounts quoted her as saying, " If I were 20 years younger, I would buy one I think they're just beautiful...


A man was telling his neighbor, "I just bought a new hearing aid. It cost me four thousand dollars, but it's state of the art. It's perfect." "Really," answered the neighbor. "What kind is it?"...

The Value Of Religion

A Rabbi and a soap maker were walking along and the soap maker questioned the Rabbi by asking, "What good is religion? There's been religion for a long time, but people are still bad to each other" The Rabbi was silent until they say a boy who was dirty from playing in the street. The Rabbi...


A minister once asked a minister friend how large his church attendance had been on the previous Sunday. The man replied, "It was large and respectable." The first minister later found out only two people had come. He confronted his friend, saying "You lied, you said the crowd was...


USA Today recently discovered that people find prayer as effective as drugs for the relief of pain. The survey was sponsored by USA Today, ABC News and the Stanford Medical Center. The bottom line is that more than half the respondents to the poll said they used prayer to...


The "Chicken Soup For The Soul" series has been an unqualified success. It has generated over eighty best-sellers. The first book alone sold eight million copies. The "chicken soup" trademark has been transferred to other products including greeting cards and a television show. It was not so easy, however, to...


News reports recently told the story of a nine-year-old San Diego boy who took over at the wheel of his family car and got caught driving it. In some ways, however, the boy was a hero. He took the wheel because his father was too drunk to...


College professor and business speaker Steve Boyd tells of getting into a cab to get from the airport to downtown Chicago. He noticed that the cab was immaculate and complimented the cab driver. As they talked together, the cab driver asked Boyd if he remembered Sam Cooke. Boyd replied...


In his newest book, The Eighth Habit, Stephen Covey reports that what the inventor and innovator, Buckminster Fuller wanted on his epitaph. Fuller said that his tombstone should read, "Just a trim tab." What in the world did he mean by that? A trim tab is a small...