Read our curated selection of sermon illustration for your next sermon. Preaching with an illustration will make your sermon memorable and help drive the point home.
The United States Coast Guard has an official
motto and an unofficial motto. The official motto is "semper
paratus," which means "always ready." The Coast Guard is always ready
to serve whether to aid in battle, security or rescue. They have an
unofficial motto. It is "You have to go, but yo
One of the richest men of his time, J. Paul Getty, owned an estate that exceeded $4 billion in net worth. This is what he wrote in his autobiography as quoted in the Los Angeles Times, January 9, 1981. I have never been given to envysave for the envy I feel toward those people who have the ability to make a marriage work ...
Forget all the church growth techniques you have
learned. Forget about seeker sensitive or purpose driven churches.
Forget about contemporary music or even the cowboy church. Catch the
next wave and be an Elvis church. At the Christ the King Graceland
Independent Anglican Church of Canada, D
People who play it too safe take the greatest risks. Did you know that? In the long haul, the intelligent risk takers develop the greatest security. It's a wise person who learns the importance of risk taking. During World War II, psychologist E. Paul Torrance made a study of ...
Here are some real answers on student tests in religion and Bible classes:
1. Ancient Egypt was inhabited by mummies and they all wrote in hydraulics. They lived in the Sarah Dessert and traveled b... Continue Reading...
Some Christians are so afraid of failure that they become reserved, overly cautious, and uninvolved in life. They follow a policy of guarded living, holding back time, talents, and treasure from God's service. Their motto is: To keep from failing - don't try! On the other hand, those who are willing to make mistakes and risk failure...
Baylor University is a fine institution in Beaumont, Texas. The Christian who gave the money for building that school later lost all his property. Men of the world asked him, "Don't you wish you had the money back that you put into that school?" He replied, "Not at all. It is all that I have saved. If I had kept that money, I would ...
An old country preacher was earnestly exhorting his congregation to give more liberally. He was interrupted by a deacon who said, "Parson, you told us salvation is free - as free as the air we breathe and the water in the river. If that's true, why are you always asking us for money?" The elderly preacher solemnly replied,...
A study of divorced couples with preschool children shows that after a year of divorce, 60% of men and 73% of women feel they made a mistake and should have tried harder to make marriage work. People have no idea how much anguish and stress is caused by divorce.