Mistakes and Misunderstandings

After directory assistance gave me my boyfriend's new telephone number, I dialed him -- and got a woman. "Is Mike there?" I asked. "He's in the shower," she responded. "Please tell him...


A poor vagabond, traveling a country road in England, tired and hungry, came to a roadside Inn with a sign reading: "George and the Dragon." He knocked gently on the door. The Innkeeper's wife stuck her head out a window. "Could ye spare some victuals?" he asked...

Dependability and Reliability

Cal Ripkin, Jr. Of the Baltimore Orioles baseball team broke Lou Gehrig's seemingly insurmountable record of 2,130 consecutive games played. Gehrig never missed a game for over 15 seasons. He played despite a broken toe, a broken rib, a broken thumb, a twisted back, several attacks of...


A motorcycle cop was rushed to the hospital with an inflamed appendix. The doctors operated and advised him that all was well. However, the patrolman kept feeling something pulling at the hairs on his chest. Worried that it might be a second surgery the doctors hadn't...


A little girl was wearing one of those Medical Alert bracelets. Someone asked her what the bracelet was for. She replied, "I'm allergic to nuts and eggs." The person asked, "Are you allergic to cats?"...

Debt to Others

Dr. Robert Lamont, a Presbyterian pastor who felt incredibly blessed by God, once observed, "When I was a schoolboy, we would occasionally see a turtle on a fence post, and when we did, we knew someone had put him there. He didn't get there by himself. That is how I see my own life. I'm...