Ideas And Vision

"A person's mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions." (Oliver Wendell Holmes)

God’s Love

A young girl once ran away from home to get married. Her father was very angry and said that he would never forgive her. She was sorry to have grieved her father and wrote him long letters begging for his forgiveness; however, he took no notice. By and by, the daughter had a little son. When the boy


Rick Warren observed, "American Christianity is going through a second reformation. The first Reformation clarified what we believe. This reformation is all about how we act and operate in the world. It involves the key components of purpose, decentralization, lay mobilization, use of technology,

God’s Love

A minister one day sat in the vestry of his church to meet anyone who might have spiritual difficulties. Only one came. "What is your difficulty?" asked the minister. The man answered, "My difficulty is the ninth chapter of Romans, where it says, 'Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated,'" "Yes,"

Word Of God

Truth in any Tongue The Scriptures have been translated into more than a thousand languages by many worthy organizations. In fact, the Old Testament books are presently being made available in another hundred new tongues! The Word of God lends itself well to this necessary and wonderful work. For i


"The balance between pro-choice women and women who say abortion should be outlawed or severely restricted is shifting toward the pro-life side, bumping that group into the majority in the debate over reproductive rights, according to a new national poll," as reported in the July 2 issue of The Wash

Giving To God

Plenty of people are willing to give God credit, yet few are willing to give Him cash. -Quotable Quotations


Reaching Out For Others An artist seeking to depict on canvas the meaning of evangelism painted a storm at sea. Black clouds filled the sky. Illuminated by a flash of lightning, a little boat could be seen disintegrating under the pounding of the ocean. Men were struggling in the swirling waters, t

Young People

Dear Ann Landers: The reader signed "Georgia," who lived through the Depression and described how hard it was to be a teenager in the 1930's, said kids today have an easy time of it compared to teens in his day. You said you couldn't argue with him. Well, I can.Let me ask your generation a few quest


Cecil Northcott in A Modern Epiphany tells of a discussion in a camp of young people where representatives of many nations were living together. "One wet night the campers were discussing various ways of telling people about Christ. They turned to the girl from Africa. 'Maria,' we don't have mission