Analogies & Metaphors

Not everyone quite gets the idea of metaphor and analogy. Here are some examples taken from high school essays (and provided by ~ Her face was a perfect oval, like a circle that had its two sides gently compressed by a Thigh Master. ~ His thoughts tumbled in his head, maki

Spiritual Blindness

Unnecessarily Blind A woman named Rose Crawford had been blind for 50 years. "I just can't believe it!" she gasped as the doctor lifted the bandages from her eyes after her recovery from delicate surgery in an Ontario hospital. She wept for joy when for the first time in her life a dazzling and be


According to The Wall Street Journal (10/14/03), "Excessive student drinking wreaks a huge toll across the U.S. The National Academy of Sciences estimated last month that underage drinking in the U.S. costs $53 billion a year in alcohol-related traffic accidents, violent crime and other harmful co

Example Of Victorious Faith

It is not uncommon to witness in late summer, the migration of the monarch butterfly. The careful observer may see hundreds of them clinging to tree limbs and other shrubbery as the flock rests up on their journey to a remote mountain site in central Mexico. Scientists have recently found 16 of thes


AIDS More than 60 million people have been infected with the AIDS/HIV virus since the epidemic began two decades ago. In 2002 and 2003, it claimed an estimated 2.7 million to 3 million lives each year. In sub-Saharan Africa, the epidemic is killing more than 6,000 people every day. (Baptist Press


SingingWe Sing, and Sing, and Sing!!! Only that you might see and relate to yourself as the message implies….The singing of a hymn should be a great experience for us - it can be a testimony, praise, an invitation to others. Someone has written some interesting comparisons on the hymns we si

Church Humor

Here are some comments you'll probably never hear at church: 1. Hey! It's my turn to sit in the front pew. 2. I was so enthralled, I never noticed your sermon went 25 minutes over time. 3. Personally I find witnessing much more enjoyable than golf. 4. I've decided to give our church the $500

Example Of Persecution

In one of his recent columns, investigative reporter Jack Anderson discussed how Christianity has survived persecution in the USSR. He wrote, "Reports seeping out of Russia indicate that the Christian 'problem' has become serious enough to warrant a concerted crackdown by the authorities…The a

Discipleship, Faithfulness, And The Church

Three Pastors were talking about problems in their churches. The first Pastor said, "Since summer started I've been having trouble with mice in my church. I've tried everything - noise, spray, cats. Nothing seems to scare them away." The second Pastor then said "Same with me. I've got hundreds liv

Sin’s Penalty – Separation From God

Feel the Darkness Some years ago my family visited a cave in the state of Kentucky. The guide led us through many beautiful and winding subterranean passageways. Suddenly he turned off all the lights and said, "I'm the only one who knows how to get back to the entrance. If I left you here, you'd p