Danger – Sin

An article in the April 25, 2003issue of London's Independent newspaper proclaimed, "A hospital in China is surrounded by police, officials in Toronto meet in emergency session and airline chiefs discuss the billion-dollar losses from the collapse of international travel - welcome to the first globa


One day Abraham Lincoln was walking down the street with two small boys who were both crying loudly. A neighbor passing by inquired, "What's the matter, Abe? Why all the fuss?" Lincoln responded, "The trouble with these lads is what's wrong with the world; one has a nut and the other wants it!" Cov

Salvation Through Christ

A blind man once stood on a corner at a busy intersection reading aloud Acts 4 from a portion of a Braille Bible. A gentleman on his way home stopped at the edge of the crowd that had gathered to listen. At that very moment, the sightless man lost his place. While trying to find it, he kept repeatin


In his book The Peacemaker, author Ken Sande tells of the time Abraham Lincoln addressed a class of law students. "Discourage litigation," Lincoln told them. "Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. Point out to them how the nominal winner is often a loser in fees, expenses, and w

Courage – Fear

No one could say that George Smith didn't have courage. A daring jet test pilot in the 1950's, back when the sound barrier was first being broken, he could face anything - until he had to bail out of a jet going 805 miles per hour. Though he survived, he was afraid of ever flying again. Then, during

Culture of Death

Writing in the October 22 edition of The Wall Street Journal, Yale University professor David Gelernter observes that the recent case of Terri Schiavo (the Florida woman whose husband sought to have her feeding tube disconnected) has implications for how our culture faces issues of life and death:

Complaints – Perspective

The sentence which has most influenced my life is, "Some persons grumble because God placed thorns among roses. Why not thank God because He placed roses among thorns?" I first read it when but a mere lad. Since that day it has occupied a front room in my life and has given it an optimistic trend


Former UCLA Coach John Wooden learned a lot about life from his many years as a basketball coach. He had seen Phil Woolpert win back-to-back national championships at San Francisco in 1955 and '56 and then struggle in the crucible of trying to keep winning. Then he saw Ed Jucker also win two in a r

Culture, Sermon on the Mount

In the Dec. 29, 2003 edition of his weblog, R. Albert Mohler talks about the Sermon on the Mount and its significance for Christians as they confront a pagan culture: "The Church is God's Christian counter-culture. The Sermon on the Mount is thus Christ's call to a Christian counter-revolution. No f


Sunk by Own Attack During World War II the U.S. submarine Tang surfaced under the cover of darkness to fire upon a large Japanese convoy off the coast of China. Since previous raids had left the American vessel with only eight torpedoes, the accuracy of every shot was absolutely essential. The fir