Eternal Punishment

It is said that about 200 years ago, the tomb of the great conqueror Charlemagne was opened. The sight the workmen saw was startling. There was his body in a sitting position, clothed in the most elaborate of kingly garments, with a scepter in his bony hand. On his knee lay a New Testament passage,

Child Molesters

Dear Ann Landers: I am writing from behind bars. The charge? A felony - child molesting. Not a pleasant subject, I realize, but this letter is not being written to be pleasant or to gain sympathy. You've never seen me in the parks or near playgrounds looking for victims. I don't play ball and I do


"No one keeps up his enthusiasm automatically. Enthusiasm must be nourished with new actions, new aspirations, new efforts, new vision. It is one's own fault if his enthusiasm is gone. He has failed to feed it." -Anonymous

Characteristics Of Christianity

Live What You Believe I clipped this interesting item from a local newspaper: "A bus driver became annoyed with his job because he had to wait 7 minutes after every run near an open field which 'litterbugs' had made into an unofficial dump. He often thought that somebody should do something about t


Enthusiasm is so important for pastors and Christian workers. I think it was Spurgeon who was asked, "How come so many people come and hear you preach?" He said, "I guess because I'm enthusiastic." "How do you get enthusiastic?" "Well, I'll tell you how to do it. Get a can of kerosene, pour it all o

Obstacles That Test Faith

Edison's Light On October 18, 1879, a young inventor by the name of Thomas A. Edison sat in his laboratory. He was weary from 13 months of repeated failure in his search for a filament that would stand the stress of electric current. To add to his problems, the men who had backed him financially we

Promises Concerning Afflictions

Stepping Stones Years ago a small group of Japanese believers were hackled and abused whenever they assembled to worship the Savior. But the persecutors could not shake the faith of the new converts. Each time the Christians gathered the mob would throw stones at them, but they still faithfully con


Bible commentator Matthew Henry, after being robbed, wrote this in his diary: Let me be thankful - first because I was never robbed before. Second, because although they took my wallet they did not take my life. Third, because although they took my all, it was not much. Fourth, because it was I who

Encouragements To Prayer

Many times we miss the victory or the greater blessing because we do not continue long enough in prayer. Admiral Peary was victorious in his quest for the North Pole only because he was persistent. He devoted over twenty years to seeking it. The Eskimos told him, "You are like the sun. You always c

Promised Of God

Claim It Dr. F.B. Meyer learned the secret of appropriation when he was addressing a large group of children who became very unruly. On the verge of losing his temper, he prayed in his heart, "Thy patience, Lord!" Immediately all anger and annoyance died. From then on he used the same formula for e