Read our curated selection of sermon illustration for your next sermon. Preaching with an illustration will make your sermon memorable and help drive the point home.
"The grave is the end. This brief life is all that we have." There are a lot of people who believe that today. Let me put it in the eloquent words of Bertrand Russell, one of the spokesmen for those who do not believe in the resurrection of Jesus. In one of his works, he wrote:
"The life of a man i
Many years ago Orson Wells produced a radio drama of an imaginary attack from outer space. A student at Campbell College in North Carolina turned on his radio midway through the broadcast and did not realize he was hearing a fictitious report. When the announcer vividly described fire falling upon t
Honest Abe
At the age of twenty-four, Abraham Lincoln served as the postmaster of New Salem, Illinois, for which he was paid an annual salary of $55.70.
Even then, twenty-four years before he entered the White House, the rail splitter was showing the character that earned him the title of "Honest
When H.M. Stanley went to Africa in 1871 to find and report on David Livingstone, he spent several months in the missionary's company, carefully observing the man and his work. Livingstone never spoke to Stanley about spiritual matters, but Livingstone's loving and patient compassion for the Afr
The Prayer Telescope
The brilliant scientist Sir Isaac Newton said that he could take his telescope and look millions and millions of miles into space. Then he added, "But when I lay it aside, go into my room, shut the door, and get down on my knees in earnest prayer, I see more of Heaven and feel
The Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy, contains some of the world's most famous art pieces, including works by Leonardo da Vinci and Sandro Botticelli. Perhaps less well-known is a remarkable piece by Mariotto Albertinelli entitled "Visitation," dated 1503. In elegant simplicity, the artist depi
If you could live in New York City's Harlem neighborhood or in poverty racked Bangladesh, which would you choose? A study shows that if you want to live longer, choose Bangladesh. The study in the New England Journal of Medicine shows men over 40 can expect to live longer in Bangladesh than in Harle
C.H. Spurgeon once said, "Prayer pulls the rope down below and the great bell rings above in the ears of God. Some scarcely stir the bell, for they pray so languidly; others give only an occasional jerk at the rope. But he who communicates with heaven is the man who grasps the rope boldly and pulls
It is important when facing opposition to have sense that you are making progress. Do you know what Christopher Columbus wrote in his diary, on his way to a New World, not yet discovered? Bear in mind, he faced mutiny, many of his men wanted to turn around, and he was in trouble most of the trip. An
What Money Can't Buy
Money can buy a bed but not sleep, a hammer but not a carpenter, "things" but not friends, a toy but not a child's happiness, a pen and paper but not an author, a pencil but not an idea, a house but not a home, an agreement but not peace, paints but not an artist, eyeglasses bu