Good Works

Love Wrought It On one of the arches in a magnificent cathedral in Europe is sculptured a face of wondrous beauty. It can be seen only once a year when the sun is in a certain position. For then its rays streaming through a small window illuminates the exquisite carving. According to legend, when t


How painful was crucifixion? One man describes it like this: "The unnatural position made every movement painful; the lacerated veins and crushed tendons throbbed with incessant anguish; the wounds, inflamed by exposure, gradually gangrened; the arteries - especially at the head and stomach - bec


Forgiveness Includes Fellowship A pastor once rebuked a Christian lady who had an unforgiving spirit toward someone who had offended her. After a moment's thought she replied, "Well, I guess I'll pardon her as you suggest, but I don't want anything more to do with her!" "Is that how you want God to

God’s Will

"Lord, if it will be to Your glory, heal suddenly. If it will glorify You more, heal gradually; if it will glorify You even more, may your servant remain sick awhile; and if it will glorify Your name still more, take him to Yourself in heaven." (Ole Hallesby, Norwegian theologian)  

Communication Quotes

"The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said." (Peter F. Drucker) "You can make more friends in two months by becoming really interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you." (Dale Carnegie) "Tact is the ability t

Heavenly Home

Safely Home Eric Barker, a missionary from Great Britain spent over 50 years in Portugal preaching the Gospel, often under adverse conditions. During World War II, the situation became so critical that he was advised to send his wife and eight children to England for safety. His sister and her thre

Charity & Sacrifice

In honor of St. Patrick's Day, here's an old favorite: Father O'Malley, the parish priest, was giving a sermon about charity. He said, "In our world today, some people have so much while others have so little. We must give of ourselves and our worldly goods to help the less fortunate." He said to


Sigmund Freud's favorite story was about the sailor shipwrecked on one of the South Sea islands. He was seized by the natives, hoisted to their shoulders, carried to the village, and set on a rude throne. Little by little, he learned that it was their custom once each year to make some man a king, k


An article from a church bulletin taught such a good lesson about criticizing that I thought I should pass it along. It begins with this poem: A little seed lay in the ground, and soon began to sprout; Now, which of all the flowers around, shall I, it mused, come out? The seed then could be hea

Family Worship

In the book Give Praise to God, J. Ligon Duncan III and Terry L. Johnson write, "If your children are in your home for eighteen years, you have 5,630 occasions (figuring a six-day week) for family worship. If you learn a new psalm or hymn each month, they will be exposed to 216 in those eighteen y