Giving, Priorities

In his Turning Point daily devotional on January 24, 2003, David Jeremiah observes, "New York's Joel Sherman is the world's new Scrabble Champion. Using words like vug and helicoid, he beat out Nigel Richards of New Zealand to take first place (and $25,000 in prize money) in last August's internatio

Earthly Treasures

In trying to follow Matthew 6:24 maybe some of you pastors can identify with the man who said: "My car is so rusty, I need a tetanus shot to drive it!"

False Success

The "Coronary and Ulcer Club" lists the following rules for members... 1. Your job comes first. Forget everything else.2. Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays are fine times to be working at the office. There will be nobody else there to bother you.3. Always have your briefcase with you when not at you


David Jeremiah points out that, "The Dead Sea is so salty it contains no fish or plant life. Why? There are absolutely no outlets! A great volume of water pours into it, but nothing flows out. Many inlets plus no outlets equals a dead sea. "This law of nature may also be applied to the child of God.

Goals, Leadership, Motivation

Author Ken Blanchard reminds us that "All good performance starts with clear goals." He points to the story of Alice's encounter with the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland. Alice asked what road she should take, and the cat responded, "Where are you going?" When Alice told him she wasn't sure, the


Biblical repentance reestablishes credibility with the world and fellowship with the Lord. The seven "what's" of 2 Corinthians 7:11 are seven marks of godly sorrow: (1) Earnestness to do right. (2) Eagerness to clear oneself through apology. (3) Indignation against sin. (4) Fear of God. (5) Intense


Acres of Diamonds Many people are not content with the work they are doing because the grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence. They are dissatisfied even when their circumstances are favorable. Instead of doing their duty cheerfully and conscientiously as unto the Lord, they y

Evil Influence

Like Father, Like Son Father's do influence their children. Abbie Hobbman was arrested 53 times, lived underground for six years and never ran out of causes. When he died last week, at 52, he was remembered by many as the last yippie of a generation that has spawned its share of yuppies. In an int


Bonn, Germany - a German group of psychologists, physicians and insurance companies who cooperated on a research project, designed to find the secret to long life and success, made a surprising discovery. The secret? Kiss your wife each morning when you leave for work! The meticulous German research