Death Of Christ

The Tiger and the Lamb In a collection of Negro folk tales, William J. Faulkner related the story of a disobedient lamb. A mother sheep had warned her little ones, "Do not go near the river, for a bad tiger lives there, and he will kill and eat you." One lamb kept toying with the thought that the g

Worldly Pleasures

What Man Will Do For Fun Dinosaurs had brains the size of walnuts. Horses have to be forced to leave a burning barn. Our cat is so dumb it'll climb up a tree and not know how to get back down. But when it comes to all-out, world-class, drop-dead stupidity, nature may never have spawned a dumber cr

Faithful Servant

What It Means to be a Christian Leader Cal Thomas found himself called a "Christian leader" by a leading Christian magazine and he wondered what that meant ("Dear God, Please Don't Let Me Be a Christian Leader," Fundamentalist Journal). More speaking engagements? Perhaps an appearance on a Christi

Faith Makes A Difference

Americans who help religious congregations not only give more time and money than people working with secular causes, but provide three-quarters of secular charity as well, according to a study that was reported in the June 27, 2002 issue of The Washington Times. The study found that "religion-givi


Novelist Ayn Rand had mesmerized a student audience at Yale University with her prickly ideas. Afterward a reporter from, Time Magazine asked her, "Miss Rand, what's wrong with the modern world?" Without hesitation she replied, "Never before has the world been so desperately asking for answers to c

Spiritual Failure

By current standards of success, Jesus might be considered failure. Let's look at how Jesus measured up to these standards: Was he popular? No. He was not will-liked. In fact, after one of his sermons, all of his followers deserted him, except for the Twelve Apostles. Did he ha

Personal Dedication

What hinders you from giving Christ your all? Throw it off. Reduce the things that weight us down. F.B. Meyer says, "Thousands of Christians are like water-logged vessels, they cannot sink; yet, they are saturated with so many inconsistencies, worldliness's and little permitted evils that they can o

Preaching Enjoined

The Significance of Sermons   Several years ago the "British Weekly" printed a letter to the editor: "Dear Sir: I notice that ministers seem to set a great deal of importance on their sermons and spend a great deal of time in preparing them. I have been attending services quite regularly f

Faith And Confidence

A little girl named Mary was in bed one night preparing for lights-outs. Prayers had been said and Mom had hugged her. Perhaps in an effort to put-off sleeptime, Mary asked her mother why God created night-time. "Why didn't he make it daytime all the time?" Her mother mumbled something about how it


David Jeremiah points out that in November 2002, "Detroit Schools Chief Executive Kenneth Burnley showed up at Southeastern High School with an announcement. Showing the students $100, he read a letter from an anonymous graduate of Southeastern's class of 1947. The man had sent the money as reimburs