Read our curated selection of sermon illustration for your next sermon. Preaching with an illustration will make your sermon memorable and help drive the point home.
The story is still told about the year 1816. Some call it "The Year Without Summer." During that year, New England saw a blizzard on June 6th. The Deep South suffered high temperatures in the mid-forties in July. Why did this happen? It was all because of a huge volcanic eruption in Indonesia. Clouds of volcanic dust...
Meredith Willson was the famous author-composer whose most famous composition was the Broadway show The Music Man. He had grown up in the church in his boyhood home of Mason City, Iowa, but had not found a church in his adopted home of California. According to his biographer, John Skipper, Willson and his wife...
According to the Ripley people, there is a region in Russia where slapping people was once a sport. In what is probably a record, two men in 1931 slapped each other continuously for thirty hours. While slapping is no longer a sport, it sure seems that people spend a lot of time being unkind and uncivil to each other. If it were a ...
"We serve an intensely creative God. We talk abvout the fact that no two snowflakes are alike -- but God has never made two of anything alike. God's vision for you does not include pressing you into someone else's mold. He is not in the business of conforming us to the image of other Christians. Your uniqueness and individuality...
Survey expert George Barna reviewed more than a dozen national surveys related to matters of faith conducted by the Barna Research Group during 2000 and devised three lists of faith-related survey results - particularly noteworthy insights, the most encouraging faith-related results, and the most discouraging... "knows" where "The Big Bang" occurred and can allegedly direct you-- and your prayers-- to God's residence. It explains, "NewPrayer has designed and built a directional radio transmitter that will transmit your prayers to this location--at absolutely no cost to you." There's a place online to help you think...
Q: How many independent Baptists does it take to change a light bulb? A: Only one - any more than that and it might seem like an ecumenical activity.
Q: How many Presbyterians does it take to change a light bulb? A: It doesn't matter, as long as it's done decently and in order....
According to a report in The Washington Times, most Americans believe the Bible is more factual than newspapers but find their daily newspapers far easier to read. This suggests Americans are more willing to enter the complex Bible world if they find it packaged palatably and easy to grasp, scholars and publishers say. More than...
The September 2000 issue of Carolina Country magazine reported the story of an unusual funeral home in Spartanburg, South Carolina. The have installed a drive-through viewing window. People can view the body of the deceased without ever getting our of their cars. Of course that misses the point of funeral home...
He had been swindled out of his home in Washington, D.C. and he was homeless, one Sunday he was standing in front of the National Cathedral when then President George Bush and his wife Barbara were going in. "Pray for me," he said to the President. "No," said President Bush. "Come in and pray for your-self." He did, and...