Illustrations aid in understanding

BIBLE -- Power to change livesYoung Jacob de Shazer was one of those who participated in Jimmy Doolittle's raid over Japan in April 1942. He was captured and imprisoned by the Japanese, and in the coming months... Continue Reading...

Illustrations aid understanding

CHARACTER - Christ produces in usGutson Borglum was the sculptor who carved the massive figures of four American presidents -- Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt -- on Mt. Rushmore in South D... Continue Reading...

Illustrations aid seasonal sermons

APOLOGIES"An apology is much like a burnt offering: serve it up half-cooked and you haven't really accomplished anything." (Lawrence Shames, quoted in Esquire)APPEARANCE -- Important to usThe important executiv... Continue Reading...

Illustrations add sermon sparkle

AGE - Changes perspective"At age 20, we worry about what others think of us. At 40, we don't care what they think of us. At 60, we discover they haven't been thinking about us at all." (Jock Falkson, Frontline)... Continue Reading...

Stories make impact on messages

ATTITUDE -- Importance ofA young man enrolled in a course on positive attitudes. The first session, the teacher asked him why he was taking the course, and he said, "I'm having problems with my wife." The class... Continue Reading...