Read our curated selection of sermon illustration for your next sermon. Preaching with an illustration will make your sermon memorable and help drive the point home.
Illustration: Christmas, Santa Sometimes children answer their own questions, then they realize even deeper truths and blessings that are best left unquestioned.
Illustration: Light, Christmas Let your light so shine that the world sees Christ in you, and the darkness is cast away from such radiance.
Illustration: Christmas-He Deserves Our Best Christmas makes us all shine a little brighter, giving our best for the Savior who gave His all.
Illustration: Cross, Slain in the Moment of Victory J. Michael Shannon Although Jesus' death may have appeared to be a loss, it was the moment of His greatest accomplishment.
Illustration: Communion of Faith, Hope and Love J. Michael Shannon Faith, hope and love look at the past, future and present regarding what Jesus has done, will do and is doing right now at this very minute.
Illustration: Life, the Puzzle J. Michael Shannon Do all the pieces of your life fit neatly together, or are there extra parts that bulge out from those portions that come together more easily?
Illustration: Leadership and Walking Alone J. Michael Shannon Are you leading others or simply out for a stroll alone? Leading involves more than walking ahead of those you wish to influence.