Read our curated selection of sermon illustration for your next sermon. Preaching with an illustration will make your sermon memorable and help drive the point home.
Illustration: Camping, City Life Translating a city experience to the wonderful world of nature can be educational.
Illustration: Teamwork, Overenthusiasm Sometimes parents need more coaching than their child athletes.
Illustration: Jericho, Bible Knowledge Exactly how much of the Bible does one need to know to be a leader within the church? Are you smarter than a fifth grader?
Illustration: Repentance, Discipline, Change Practice makes perfect, preparing us for upcoming events and needs we'll have at a future date.
Illustration: Making Wise Choices We often think of the thou-shalt-nots, but God more often says yes to His children.
Illustration: Persuasion, the Power of Evidence Does the evidecen against you cause you to assume your guilt?
Illustration: Worship, What It Is and Who Its For Churchgoers sometimes forget why and who they're there to worship.