Read our curated selection of sermon illustration for your next sermon. Preaching with an illustration will make your sermon memorable and help drive the point home.
Illustration: Remembering, Honoring a Hero J. Michael Shannon Never forget the sacrifices someone has made for you and your benefit.
Illustration: Prayer, a Practice for the Quiet Zone J. Michael Shannon The glory of a dedicated quiet zone could be the healing space you need.
Illustration: Loneliness, a Thief of Life and Joy J. Michael Shannon Loneliness is a thief seeking to steal, kill and destroy those it impacts.
Illustration: Light, Walking in J. Michael Shannon Do not waste time living in a state of poverty when you could be relishing God's gifts for you.
Illustration: Encouragement, Becoming More than You Are J. Michael Shannon Speak into someone's life as he or she ought to be rather than as he or she migth be at the present and await the resulting transformation.
Illustration: Conversion, a Tender Heart J. Michael Shannon Never give up on anyone because God never does.
Illustration: Compassion, Giving What Is Needed J. Michael Shannon Would you give another person a garment of your personal clothing simply so he or she could go to church?
Illustration: Apathy, Lack of Motivation J. Michael Shannon Everyone needs a plan in order to accomplish their goals in life.
Illustration: Successful Marriage Marriage and children begins much obligation and responsibility of which the single person remains free.
Illustration: Peace in Crisis, God’s Faithfulness Mother experiences the power of God by going to a movie with her two teenage daughters.