Illustration: Warning, Insurance

An older man is on the operating table awaiting surgery. He has insisted that his son, a renowned surgeon, perform the operation. He is about to receive the anesthesia when he asks to speak to his son.

Illustration: Purpose, Direction

Former Secretary of State and National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice once told graduates of the Mississippi College School of Law in Jackson that they have a responsibility to be "optimistic" in their lives.

Illustration: Worship

During a Christian conference, I worked late on the worship PowerPoint slides. Please note the "D" and "F" keys are next to each other on the keyboard and spell checkers do not catch wrong words used in the correct context.

Illustration: Struggle

In a recent issue of his One Minute Uplift newsletter, Rick Ezell writes: "The pages of history are lined with individuals encountering negative setbacks only to make something positive out of them. They are better for it. In many cases so are we."

Illustration: Shopping, Completeness

My first grader got some new boots she had been wanting for school. The teacher noticed she had gotten her boots and said, "Laura, I see you got new boots. Where did you get them?"

Illustration: Power, God’s Provision

Richard Fairchild tells this story of Leslie Weatherhead, a well-known preacher of a previous generation: "Once, when he was a high school student, he had a very difficult examination, but he had discovered that verse, 'And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do...'

Illustration: Compassion/Evangelism

According to the wire service reports, there is a place in Australia that has become a favorite spot for those who want to commit suicide. It is a rocky cliff near Sydney Harbor called The Gap. For nearly 50 years, a man named Don Ritchie has lived across the street from The Gap. Don sees it as his responsibility to try to keep people from jumping over. It is estimated he has saved more than 160 lives by offering conversation, coffee or tea.