Two years ago, Richard Brimage of Kingsville, Texas, lured Mary Beth Kunkel, 19, to his home. “I really wanted to have her sexually and when she did not do so, I killed her,” he told police. Brimage choked Kunkel to death, then tied her up in a fashion similar to a bondage scene in pornographic video found in Brimage’s living room.

Richard Daniel Starrett of Martinez, S.C., confessed to kidnapping and killing a 15-year-old girl last December, but he is also charged with the sex slaying of other young girls. Starrett, who blamed his criminal behavior on pornography, kept a huge stash of porn in a rented mini-warehouse. During one raid police found 935 hardback and paperback books depicting nudity, horror and sexual violence.

When John Weber, 25, of Wausau, Wis., was arrested last year, police found more than 100 pornographic magazines in his car. Weber, who had a fascination with porn dating back to his childhood, was found guilty last March of the torture/murder of his sister-in-law.

-Focus on the Family Magazine October 1989

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In his recent interview with convicted serial killer Ted Bundy, Dr. James Dobson asked Bundy: “Do you deserve the punishment the state will inflict on you?

This was his response:

“I’m not going to kid you. I don’t want to die. But I certainly deserve the most extreme punishment this society has, and society deserves to be protected from me and from others like me.

On the other hand, well-meaning, decent people have condemned the behavior of a Ted Bundy, but they walk past a magazine rack full of the very kinds of things that send young kids down the road to be Ted Bundys.

“What scares and appalls me, Dr. Dobson, is what I see on cable TV. The stuff that’s coming into homes today wouldn’t have been shown in X-rated adult theaters 20 years ago.”

-Sermons Illustrated May/June 1989


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According to a
U.S. government study based on over 200,000 pieces of pornography, nearly three-quarters
of all pornographic material is prepared for children under the age of 18.

Pornography in
the U.S. amounts to over $8 billion dollars annually. In past years, the 7-Eleven
Stores have posted a $30 million profit from pornographic materials. Children
under 18 are the main purchasers of pornographic material in America.

Single copy sales
in such stores as 7-Eleven account for 93% of all sales of Penthouse, and 40%
of Playboy. There is hope! 7-Eleven Stores have just recently discontinued the
sale of such magazines.

Statistics from
an article by Kenneth S. Kantzer entitled “The Power of Porn” in Christianity
, 2/7/86

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Just before he was executed in Florida, serial killer Ted Bundy made a last-gasp grab for respectability as a crime expert. Asked by religious broadcaster James Dobson what made him turn violent, Bundy put the blame on graphic pornography. “Like an addiction, you keep craving something that is harder,” intoned Bundy, “until you reach a point where…you begin to wonder if maybe actually doing it would give you that which is beyond just reading.”


-U.S. News & World Report, February 6, 1989

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