When the devil’s success rate goes up, the pastor’s stock in the eyes of the community goes down. In a Wall Street Journal survey, 1,000 corporate executives were asked to name their most trusted confidant when faced with an ethical problem. Only 1% said that they would consult a pastor. Shocking! I’m sure that there are many reasons for ignoring those who supposedly represent God, but I know that a large part of it is explained by the “integrity gap” in the ministry.

Psychology Today published their results of the ranking of 100 professions according to their level of respectability, desirability and prestige. Pastors ranked 52nd, just below manufacturing foreman and just ahead of power station operators. Why? Perceived lack of credibility in the community. Although hypocrisy abounds, there is no room for pastors who are financially irresponsible, sensually stalking women, half-hearted in the ministry, empire builders, glory seekers or money grubbers.

-Pastor Dick Mayhue

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